About Garrett

Casey Neistat of YouTube (and previously HBO) fame talks about Greg McKeown's book Essentialism, and how you should focus on one thing.

The concept is that if you don't focus on one thing, you'll only have a surface-level knowledge (or ability) of a bunch of things.
For years, someone (like me) will put a block down in photography, and a block down in game design, and a block down in music, and then expect to look up and see a castle.
But what they (I) have really been doing is laying foundations for a bunch of different houses without ever finishing them.
Plenty of other people have talked about this through the years.
I have tried to focus on one thing. Really.
My career has been in marketing for over 15 years, but my degree is in game design.
All the while my primary hobby is music, which I've tried to turn into a career.
But I also bounced around to graphic design, coding (and can't focus on a language long enough to get good at it), and even infosec/cybersec/hacking.
I can't even focus on one genre of music so I have a bunch of different music projects going (beatMage, Prefecture Audio, and megabyteGhost to name a few).
I have tried so hard.
But it ain't me, babe. It ain't me.

Finishing projects isn't a problem.
I have no issues sitting down and focusing on one thing long enough to complete a project.
But as soon as that project is done, I don't want to start another thing of that type.
When I finish recording an album, I don't want to record another album right away.
As much as I love recording music, the next thing I want to do might be making a zine or a game or a short film.
Staying on one thing long enough to finish a project is easy. Staying on one thing for life is difficult.
I have decided to embrace who I am and turn this into a strength.
I am a Swiss Army Knife of creative abilities.
I can do all of the things I mentioned previously.
I can also write. I can work A/V at live events. I can tend to a garden.
Van Neistat says you should always have a multi-tool.
That's me.
I am the multi-tool in your pocket.
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